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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies - Tokyo April 2016

du dimanche 03 avril 2016 au vendredi 08 avril 2016

10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2016). The first IsoEcol to be held in Asia, the conference will take place from the 3rd to 8th of April 2016 at Ito Hall, on the Hongo Campus of The University of Tokyo in downtown Tokyo.

Dernière mise à jour lundi 07 décembre 2015

Like previous meetings, IsoEcol 2016 will bring together an exciting global mix of researchers from universities, industry and government with interests in the development and application of stable isotope techniques to the ecological sciences. IsoEcol traditionally includes mid-conference field trips and is run as a single common session facilitating cross-disciplinary discussion. In addition to great science at IsoEcol, Japan offers delegates a staggering array of travel opportunities to safely and easily explore the country’s breadth of beautiful and bewildering environments, contrasting ancient with modern, and natural with developed.

Registration and Abstract Submission are open now at:

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