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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

EuroMarine 2014 call for proposals now open - Submit proposals by 25 Sept.

le jeudi 25 septembre 2014

L'INSU contribue au financement d'Euromarine qui a désormais pris le relais d'EUR-OCEANS Consortium.
Nous attirons votre attention sur l'appel d'offre ci-dessous (dead-line: 25 septembre 2014) qui comprend notamment les hot-topics identifiés par EUR-OCEANS.

- High resolution ocean (how meso and submesoscale physics constrains biogeochemistry and biology)
- Rapid change in polar oceans
- Ocean deoxygenation and acidification
- Convergent approaches between biogeochemistry and genomics to better understand and model biogeochemical cycles

Pour en savoir plus et télécharger le dossier de candidature ou le descriptif de l'appel à projets, cliquez sur "lire la suite".

Dernière mise à jour lundi 28 juillet 2014

Merci d'informer Philippe Bertrand ( et Paul Tréguer ( si vous soumettez une proposition en réponse à  cet appel d'offre.

Please find attached the text of EuroMarine 2014 call for proposals, along with the corresponding proposal template (Word & Open Office format) and a list of the 66 EuroMarine founding members (which you may need in order to build joint proposals).

Please refer to the attached call text and template for details.

The call documents and the information they contain will (later today) also be made available online in webpages under two different servers and websites:

We are well aware that the call timeline (deadline to apply: 25 Sept.; outcome: 25 Oct.) is not optimal for many of you as it overlaps with the main holiday period in many countries. We would like to remind you that:
- important delays were imposed on us as regards the implementation of EuroMarine legal framework;
- it was decided during the kick-off meeting that despite these delays we would launch and close a call in 2014, using for this purpose exceptional procedures (at General Assembly level, for the formation of the Steering Committee) and short decision deadlines (at Steering Committee level, for the definition of the call);
- the application process is simple and proposals should be short.

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