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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence



Interactions of BOtryosphaeriaceae between forEst and Grapevine Agrosystems (UMR BIOGECO / UMR SAVE)


CANcer et Expositions aux Pesticides Agricoles : de la compréhension des pratiques à la prévention des cancers (LabEx COTE/SIRIC BRIO)


DEcadal prediction for detecting trends in Forest mortality and grapevIne productivity (UMR EPOC / UMR EGFV / UMR BIOGECO in partnership with CERGACS and Inra Avignon)


Sustainable Groundwater Management: A hydro-economic approach (UMR GREThA / Irstea).


Ecohydrological relations of a Fagus sylvatica refugial population (UMR ISPA / UMR BIOGECO)


Grapevine and oak comparative epigenomic: Analysis of methylome dynamic underdrought stress (UMR EGFV / UMR BIOGECO in partnership with UMR MABioVis and Bordeaux Bioinfirmatic Center (CBiB)).


Forecasting changes in microclimate and microbial diversity within tree canopies under climate change scenarios (UMR BIOGECO / UMR ISPA in partnership with Zanne Lab, SMABVC, Unité Expérimentale Forêt de Pierroton et Plateforme GeT PlaGE (GenoToul)).


TrOphic transfer of major chemical pollUtants in arCAchoN bay: which impact on the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas ? (Ifremer / UMR EPOC in partnership with LSPC Ifremer and SIBA)