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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Exposé BioGeCo - Myriam Heuertz "Phylogeography and the evolution of species complexes in tropical trees"

le vendredi 16 janvier 2015 à 11h

Vendredi 16 janvier à 11h, Myriam Heuertz fera un exposé intitulé: "Phylogeography and the evolution of species complexes in tropical trees" L'exposé aura lieu à l'INRA-Pierroton, bâtiment Airial. Un café/croissant est prévu à 10h45.

Dernière mise à jour mercredi 14 janvier 2015

"I will present an overview of my recent and ongoing work in population  genetics and comparative phylogeography of tropical tree species.  Alongside classical genetic marker studies, I will illustrate how a  modest investment in genomic technologies can help solving typical  problems for tropical trees, such as limited sample availability and  taxonomic uncertainty. I will further expose the research line on  neotropical tree species complexes that I plan to develop in my new  position as research scientist at BioGeCo."

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