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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Séminaire ISPA Roderick Dewar, Australian National University, Canberra

le jeudi 17 juillet 2014 à 11h

Roderick Dewar, qui a été en poste à Ephyse, est de passage cette semaine. Il donnera un séminaire ce jeudi 17 juillet à 11h, dans la salle de réunion Ephyse.

Sujet du séminaire : Plants and probability: the statistical mechanics of savannas

Pour lire le résumé de la présentation cliquez sur "lire la suite".

Dernière mise à jour mardi 15 juillet 2014

Résumé : Tropical savannas – communities composed of a mixture of trees and grasses – are important ecosystems both for humans and for the global climate system. But a general predictive theory of the relative abundance of trees and grasses remains elusive. Modelling the detailed mechanisms of competition is hampered by the sheer complexity of the underlying biology. In this talk I’ll describe an alternative approach that successfully predicts the variation of tree and grass cover across a wide range of rainfall – from arid grassy savannas to wet tropical rainforest – using the rules of statistical mechanics, specifically the principle of maximum entropy. The approach also provides general insights into the relationships between ecosystem diversity and stability.

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