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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Séminaire à BioGeCo

le mardi 05 septembre 2017 à 14h

Brian Cullis* et Alison Smith* feront un exposé mardi 5 septembre à 14 h à l’INRA de Pierroton (salle Artiga) intitulé : “Genomic selection and genomic estimated breeding values in genotype by environment data: a proof of concept for the Radiata Pine Breeding Company”.

Centre for Bioinformatics and Biometrics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Dernière mise à jour lundi 28 août 2017

Résumé :

Genomic selection and genomic estimated breeding values in genotype by environment data: a proof of concept for the Radiata Pine Breeding Company.

Alison Smith1, Brian Cullis1 and Paul Jefferson2.

1. Centre for Bioinformatics and Biometrics, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia

2. Deceased; formerly Radiata Pine Breeding Company, Rotorua, New Zealand

In this talk we demonstrate a statistical analysis of the trait DBH (diameter at breast height) obtained from five Radiata Pine Breeding Company (RPBC) clonal trials. A one-stage approach in used in which individual tree records are analysed and both marker and pedigree information  are incorporated. Additionally, the various sources of genotype by environment interaction, both additive and non-additive, are appropriately modelled. We discuss how the methodology may be used to provide information not only for genomic selection but also superior estimates of  breeding values for routine forward selections.

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