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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence


Scenarios of bioeconomic viability and resilience for ecosytem-based fisheries management in Aquitaine (GREThA / Irstea)

Reconciling food supply and security with biodiversity protection is a key challenge, especially in the face of climate change and demographic pressure. The case of fisheries in coastal and marine ecosystems is especially challenging in this bio-economic perspective. Many marine scientists advocate an ecosystem approach for a sustainable management and the resilience of these marine socio-ecosystems. The main objective of this proposal NAVIRE is to use the viability modeling framework as a methodological support to implement the ecosystem approach for fisheries management. NAVIRE will especially aims at identifying bio-economic scenarios and public policies sustainably balancing marine biodiversity conservation, profitability of fisheries and food supply. For this, the research will rely on a comparative analysis of contrasted case studies in Aquitaine: the small scale fisheries in Gironde estuary and Basque fisheries in the Southern Bay of Biscay. The interdisciplinary consortium of NAVIRE includes members of GRETHA (CNRS-University of Bordeaux), IRSTEA, IFREMER and Campus DoMar (Spain). The project will bring important insights on the priority of the Labex call entitled “Modeling as a long-term forecasting tool ».

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