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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx COTECluster of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

Offre de Post-Doc - Investigation of mercury, methyl mercury, carbon and nitrogen isotopes in bivalves from the French coastline - Ifremer Nantes

The project aims to characterize the effects of contrasted sources of organic matter (OM)and of mercury (Hg) on bioaccumulation of this metal for a key link of the marine food web: filter-feeding mollusks like mussels and oysters. Indeed, the relative magnitude of riverine and autochtonous sources of marine organic matter determine much of the isotopic composition in carbon (C)and nitrogen (N) of coastal OM.Furthermore for the littoral zone, the relative proportion of atmospheric and river-borne Hgfluxes is poorly constrained. Also, Hg speciation and bioaccumulation depend on dissolved OM.

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Dernière mise à jour mercredi 22 juillet 2015
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